Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy blogging...

Hi there, blogging community!

Ok, so I had taken a LONG, LONG break from blogging and I am back again with a renewed sense of duty! It is 2010, I want to hit the ground running!!!!  =)

A brand new year is like a brand new, clean slate, IMO! Time to take a deep breath and forge ahead!! Happy New Year to all!!!!!!

I am starting my own business and thought, to keep myself in check, I would start a blog to record my progress!!! So I have reinvented my blogging page and I am committed to writing a post each and every day -- aside from weekends, of course! I try to treat myself and stay away from the computer on Saturdays and Sundays.  ;) 

I hope you will come along for the ride. I'm sure there will be ups and downs, tears of happiness and tears of pain. LOL  Please feel free to comment with your advice or words of encouragement, both would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Onward and upward!!

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