Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Friday!!!!

Ok, I am a few days behind already.  =(  LOL I have had the crud this week and I've been at home keeping warm under the covers with the pugs, sans computer! So, needless to say, not much has developed on my baby business this week. I do have my to-do list for this weekend tho'. Talked with the hubby and we are going to try to get our computer room emptied so I can get my work space and computer set up!! Yay! for that!!!! I have *SO* much stuff as far as my designing and handmade card stuff goes, it will be so nice to find EVERYTHING in one location!!!! I'm THRILLED about that!!!! Also, I am going to go ahead and get my wedding invitation portfolio started this weekend so hopefully next weekend I can get out to a few bridal stores to present my business. And a big ol' yeehaw on that note! I'm sure I won't be on the computer at all over the weekend, so hope y'all have a very happy weekend! Hopefully I'll be back at the ol' blog on MOANday with good progress to report! later!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Where I am today, January 4th, 2010!!

I have named my new business Felicity's Fancy. I design custom invitations for weddings, corporate events, parties, etc. I create designs via computer and combine that with my card-making skills that I craft by hand.

I believe I have found the perfect name for my business. I wanted something that included my name and something that described my design aesthetic in creating invitations. As puts it, Felicity is the state of being happy, esp. in a high degree; bliss: the source of happiness. And Fancy is the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery, decorative detail, etc., as in poetry or drawing.

So I guess finding a name for my baby business was probably the easiest part. LOL 

My list of things to do now includes (in no particular order):
1. Purchasing my LLC so that I am a registered, legitimate business.
2. Finalizing my wedding invitation portfolio.
3. Setting up my home office.
4. Creating content and shooting images for my website.

And that is just the beginning. 2010 is going to be a busy year -- very exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!  =)

Happy blogging...

Hi there, blogging community!

Ok, so I had taken a LONG, LONG break from blogging and I am back again with a renewed sense of duty! It is 2010, I want to hit the ground running!!!!  =)

A brand new year is like a brand new, clean slate, IMO! Time to take a deep breath and forge ahead!! Happy New Year to all!!!!!!

I am starting my own business and thought, to keep myself in check, I would start a blog to record my progress!!! So I have reinvented my blogging page and I am committed to writing a post each and every day -- aside from weekends, of course! I try to treat myself and stay away from the computer on Saturdays and Sundays.  ;) 

I hope you will come along for the ride. I'm sure there will be ups and downs, tears of happiness and tears of pain. LOL  Please feel free to comment with your advice or words of encouragement, both would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Onward and upward!!