Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yay! I got the carnival invitations shipped out today!! I cannot wait until the bride sees them live and in person!!!!  =)

So I spent the evening last night packaging them up, I was *SO* happy and excited to have them done so I could get them in the mail today. I got in this morning, I'm in my morning routine and checked my FB page only to find a little package of drama sitting there waiting for me. Ugh. It's always something -- unfortunately. LOL

I won't go into detail, but I am sorry to say that I used up my time and energy on something that was ridiculous, childish and just plain unnecessary. But when things like that pop up and things are said, your first reaction is to defend yourself, of course. So I did and I'm glad I did, but as I sat there wasting all this time and energy, I thought to myself, how sad is it that I let this mess take up my morning and my positive energy? I have so many more important things to do than to sit and get angry or let the negative feelings take over.

We are all in control of how we react to situations. It is my own choice, no one else's. I think from now on, if there is something like that to deal with, I'm going to set a timer. Deal with it, then move on. No more thoughts wasted on it, no negative feelings to take over, etc.

I think if we focus on ourselves and what we know we need to do, we won't get caught up in other people's business where we shouldn't be in the first place. I often think some people have way too much time on their hands. I'd like to give them a few things off my plate for sure!! LOL

I have goals set for myself and I truly need to use up all of my positive energy to meet those goals. So even tho there are a 1,001 things that come along to derail me and rabbit trails to get dragged down, its important that I remember to keep my focus where it needs to be. 

Does that make sense?? Sorry, seems like I rambled more than I got my point across!!! LOL

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