Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Progressing right along...

Ok, so posting in my first blog that I would try to post everyday was a bit ambitious for me, but I'll try to get back to posting whenever I can.  =)

I have made some good progress on my office. My walls are painted, just waiting now for hubby and I to install my cabinets so I can get everything in its place. We will also be adding the wanescotting below the chair rail, but that we have put off until next month for $$ reasons. So yes, I am happy to report it is coming along.

And not long ago my mom pointed me in the direction of's alchemy section where anyone and everyone can post about what they need to have made or created. I have placed bids on quite a few wedding invitation jobs so HOPEFULLY, I will have some new clients here soon! It is very exciting!!

Also, even if I do not win any of the bids, I have found some wonderful ideas for different invitations I can create on my own and then put in my Etsy store to sell. I was having a hard time just sitting down and designing with really no theme or anything in mind. So this site has been great inspiration for me as well.

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